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Experience is the Best Teacher

They say not until you were able to experience something is when you’ll finally learn. Yes, not until a few hours ago when I dreamed of something I never thought can make me upset until this moment.

I have been a believer of a dream as something relatable to one’s life generally. See my related post. I have dreamed of a thousand dreams, from happy, senseless and worse ones.

Few hours ago, I dreamed of being targeted by someone who looks like Pampanga representative and Rain or Shine head coach Yeng Guiao. Imagine a shoot-out fiesta. I am sitting beside eight Jenica’s (me on second last) as he, secretly (but for me obviously) tries to shoot me with a gun with him, on a helicopter. It took him several tries to target me but never did he succeeded.

Finally, I came home. But then, he was already there. And I confront him.

“Why are you targetting me? What did I do to you?” I told him.

He never said a word, instead, just pointed the gun on me. My brother was there. It’s as if Mr. Coach Yeng’s look-alike is about to shoot me, I was already crying and whispered “Mahal kita, mahal na mahal kita” on my bro.

getty images

Next thing I knew, I was already laid down in my room. After a few seconds, the phone on my pocket rang. As I immediately get the phone to answer the call, I was shocked by what happened next.
My soul stood up. I saw my mother standing in front of me. It’s as if she’ll accompany me towards heaven. Is this really happening?

I am still in a state of shock. As we walk through that cloudy atmosphere which I believe is going through His Kingdom, I see my relatives, I see them on the other side. I see them now as they are now in the other world. Whilst for me and my Mom, who never uttered a word since appearing in front of me was just in a bare face.

This is when I was started to wander things.
Will I really die that way?
What will happen to my family?
Will they cry after knowing that I already passed away?
Will my friends know?
What will their reaction be?
What was that man have to do with me?
What did I do to him?
Why does he want me to shoot and die?

Next happenings reveal me, together with my Mom and other people walk towards a meeting place. I barely recognize them. I think they were also like me; who die same time as mine. Meanwhile, my grandmother who I assumed knew of my death that time went to the way I traveled, hoping that I can be revived. That was a heart-breaking scene. It’s as if she had no idea the whole time. It’s as if she was capturing for something she has no knowledge on. You really will do anything for your loved ones. I also saw Avi. He was in his green polo shirt, in bare face, but was unable to recognize me soon as I got excited to seat beside him (Don’t you remember me?)

Afterwards, I heard a voice saying that my brother cried knowing that I already passed away.
3:58 AM. That dream woke me literally with my tears flowing.

I saw Mom sleeping beside me. It brought me in extra tears – 2 minutes.. 5 minutes.. the thought of having another weird dream kept me awake.

4:37 AM. I woke up again. I still have few minutes to sleep before my alarm clock rings.

Ok. 5 AM.

I still remember that dream. From bathing time to the bus ride to walking in the office - It left me dumbfounded.

Oh why...

I have to Google what does dying in a dream means. Or else I will be paranoid the whole day. The gun. That guy. And my brother. I have to be prepared for what will that search engine gives.

So here it is:
To dream that you die in your dream symbolizes inner changes, transformation, self-discovery and positive development that is happening within you or your life. You are undergoing a transitional phase and are becoming more enlightened or spiritual. Although such a dream may bring about feelings of fear and anxiety, it is no cause for alarm as it is often considered a positive symbol.

It was not something alarming after all.

Dreams of experiencing your own death usually means that big chqanges are ahead for you. You are moving on to new beginnings and leaving the past behind. These changes does not necessarily imply a negative turn of events.

I wish it has something to do with my career.

Metaphorically, dying can be seen as an end or a termination to your old ways and habits. So, dying does not always mean a physical death, but an ending of something. If you dream that someone is telling you that you are going die, then it implies that you are being pressured to make an important change or choice. You are about to embark on some new life adventure.

An ending of something :)

On a negative note, to dream that you die may represent involvement in deeply painful relationships or unhealthy, destructive behaviors. You may feeling depressed or feel strangled by a situation or person in your waking life. Perhaps your mind is preoccupied with someone who is terminally ill or dying. Alternatively, you may be trying to get out of some obligation, responsibility or other situation. You are desperately trying to escape from the demands of your daily life.

Will keep this in mind,

To dream that someone is shooting you with a gun suggests that you are experiencing some confrontation in your waking life. You feel victimized in a situation or that you are being targeted. 


To see your brother in your dream symbolizes some aspect of your relationship with him. It can also serve to remind you that someone in your waking life has certain characteristics or behaviors similar to your brother.
The brother in your dream can also be synonymous with a close friend or buddy.  Brother also has religious implications and thus represents spiritual issues. Consider also the familiar phrase "big brother is watching you" which indicate that your dream has to deal with issues of authority and oppression.

Interpretations from

I used to, and are always fond of sharing my dreams to people I know, most especially with Jossan. But he don’t know about this yet. And so,.. this is my way of sharing it the other manner.

We may not fully understand what do dreams has to do with our lives, but one thing I believe is for sure, this dream that I dreamed may be a bridge for which I was able to experience dying, fortunately not physically but in all aspects such as emotionally, mentally and psychologically, was made for me to realize firstly His existence, and my relationship with Him.

I may have failed to talk to Him every single day, I may not thank Him enough for all the blessings I have received and be sorry for the sins I have committed, this post, or shall I say what has been running on my mind and heart until this moment, I wish may reach Him.
I am thankful enough, however, to dream such a dream. Because without that, I was not able, like seriously, to fully realize some things.

This “experience” will always be a lesson learned for me.

Xoxo <3



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