I can say that my 2014 was the year that I embraced changes about myself
(disregard my chubbier cheeks and bigger tummy tho, hahaha!) Anyway, this was
the year that I graduated and had my first job. Using “had” because today will
be my last day here in PSRC. I am just happy that I am feeling relieved. I had so
many realizations during my stay here and it really helped me to gain deeper
understanding on things.
I always keep in mind that change is inevitable, and that change is
good. I am always afraid of it in the first place. What if I lose? What if I fail? But then, I realized that moving forward is almost the same thing as moving
ahead. If you really wanted to succeed in life, you should not be afraid to take
risk, and accept challenges, and if you wanted a certain thing for yourself,
you should work hard for it.
My 2014 is all about my career. I had so many questions about my job
during my first three months and spent time for overthinking about the path
that i chose. Is this really what I wanted? I always find myself torned between
choosing the field that I studied vs. Earning money but not out of my field.
Bottomline is, learning vs money. That was really mind-boggling for me. I
almost thought of quitting. I guess this pretty sums up everything:
“Never continue in a job you don't enjoy. If you're happy in what you're doing, you'll like yourself, you'll have inner peace. And if you have that, along with physical health, you will have had more success than you could possibly have imagined.” - Johnny Carson
Soon, I learned that the deciding
point is within yourself, within what your mind and heart really wants and
disregarding other people’s viewpoint, but they could also a help too. Thank
you to those people who took time to give their insights and advices about
career stuff.
Nothing stays still.
Final word for this: “Life gives us endless chances to learn about
change. One minute life is stuck, the next minute it is out of control and
moving at headlong speed. When life is stuck, we long to make changes. When
life is out of control, we long for things to stay the same.”
(Lesley Garner,
retrieved from http://www.lesleygarner.com/assets/downloads/everything_ive_ever_learned_about_change.pdf)
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