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Showing posts from February, 2013

*insert title here

Isn't it ironic that in life the person who brings out the best in you & makes you strong, is actually your weakness? Few minutes to go and we'll welcome March . I am dedicating this post to my one & only, Jossan B. Castillo. ♥ Remember that I and will love you everyday.

Expectancy Violations Theory

How silly. :p Forgive me for having an academical title for this post. Expectancy Violations Theory is a communication theory which explains violating another person's interpersonal expectations can be a superior strategy to conformity. In other words, this is all about expectations that leads to disappointments. ^o^ Anyway, I finished reading David Levithan's Lover's Dictionary last week and I know it deserves a blog post. Honestly, my expectations on the content of the book were not met but somehow, I find awesome passages within. Lemme share my favorites. ☺ Retrieved from: ☺

Love Month

Shot taken from SM North Edsa (02-11-2013) Who would've thought that Valentine's Day is approaching? Oh well. Time flies really fast. Maybe I am excited on Thursday. Or maybe I am excited with what will happen. Jossan, where art thou? :D